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Company Policies 


Sunset Dance Company Pre-Professional System

( This organization will be governed by a pre-professional/conservatory styled system. The

system will begin with the first official practice after auditions and will last throughout the year )


One Verbal Warning/Parent Contact:

     Members of the Sunset Dance Company will be given a verbal warning if their behavior is

inconsistent with the values and expectations of our company. This verbal warning is intended to

provide constructive feedback and an opportunity for the individual to address and rectify their



     Following the issuance of a verbal warning, the company member's parent or guardian will be

promptly contacted to discuss the concerns raised. Open communication with parents is crucial

to maintaining a supportive and collaborative partnership in the development of our dancers.



     In the event that a dancer's behavior persists despite the verbal warning and parental

involvement, the Sunset Dance Company and its Artistic director reserve the right to dismiss the

member from the company. This decision is not taken lightly but is made with the best interests

of the entire company in mind.


No Demerits Policy:

     Sunset Dance Company has opted not to implement a demerit system. We believe in fostering an environment that prioritizes open communication, understanding, and growth. Our focus is on providing guidance and support to help our dancers excel.It is our sincere hope that these guidelines will contribute to a positive and respectful atmosphere within Sunset Dance Company. We appreciate the dedication and passion that each dancer brings to our company, and we are committed to nurturing an environment that encourages both personal and artistic growth. However, We want our dancers to understand being in company is a privilege not a right. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding our policy. Your support is valuable as we work together to maintain the high standards and integrity of The Sunset Dance Company.





        Our vision is centered around our PREMIER Program, designed to elevate the artistry of our dancers while nurturing excellence in both technical proficiency and academics. We envision a dynamic dance company that serves as a beacon of innovation, setting the standard for

PREMIER pre-professional training in DISD. Through this initiative, we strive to create an

immersive experience that goes beyond traditional boundaries, inspiring dancers to push their

artistic limits while excelling academically. Our vision extends to cultivating a supportive

environment that fosters creativity, discipline, and a passion for lifelong learning. With the

Premier Program leading the way, we aspire to be a hub of artistic and academic achievement,

shaping the next generation of versatile, accomplished dancers and scholars.


      Our mission is to provide a pre-professional dance experience that elevates traditional training, fostering a dual commitment to both technical excellence and academic achievement. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality dance education led by passionate instructors, guiding students through artistic exploration and skill refinement. Our holistic approach seeks to inspire dancers to reach new heights in their expression, while simultaneously creating an environment that encourages intellectual growth. Through rigorous training and a supportive community, we aim to shape well-rounded individuals who excel in both the studio and in the classroom, promoting discipline, time management, and a strong work ethic.

Company Member Expectations : 


In the Classroom: 

  • Maintain a well behaved demeanor in the classroom. (Be a great student!)

  • Follow all DISD, SHS and Sunset Dance Department  Student code of conduct

  • Be prepared for all your classes

  • Maintain a 2.5 GPA and above

  • Maintain a C or Higher in any and all your classes (Strive for AB Honor Roll )

  • Turn in all your assignments on time, Organize and be responsible

  • Ask for all work, test, and or makeup assignments when you are out minimum 1-2 weeks in advanced.

  • Maintain Good Attendance ( Be on time, and prepared) 

On SDC :

  • Have an open mindset 

  • Work hard

  • Stay focused (TIME AND PLACE)

  • Be polite, respectful everywhere we go! 

  • Make sure to always respond to your instructors, especially guest artists with a Yes Mam/Sir or whatever they prefer you call them. 

  • Be on your best behavior always! (One person will ruin it for everyone do not be that person! ) 

  • Be mindful of anything you do on your social media (Media Policy States: Post always needs to be well represented and appropriate. If a post is taken in an inappropriate manner a formal and or parent meeting will occur. ( In the worst case scenario, dismissal.)

  • Be responsible, make sure you always have everything you need and be on time always  whether a rehearsal and or performance. 

  • Be available for all school related events!





  1. Members must be entering grades nine (9) through twelve (12). 

  2.  Members and their families must agree to and be fully aware of the financial responsibilities of being a team member and meet all financial obligations throughout the year. 

  3.  Each member must audition each year, regardless of whether or not she/he has 

  4. previously been a team member. 

  5. Members who have been dismissed or resigned must have permission from the director and a letter from the principal in order to try out the following year. 

  6.  The Director can ask any auditionee with past behavioral or disciplinary issues to have a letter written by an Asst principal or Principal in order to audition.

  7. Members are required to attend summer practices & camp or are subject to discipline and may be benched or dismissed due to the number of absences. 

  8.  Attendance to all activities, practices, and performances is mandatory. This includes, but is not limited to, before school, during school, after school, summer practices, and any emergency practices called by the artistic director. 

  9. Members are expected to arrive on time, if a member is late 15 mins they will not be allowed into a rehearsal. (Academic/excused circumstances do not apply) 

  10.  If an incident occurs during school or while on a team trip, during competition or exhibition, a member should expect disciplinary action from the school as well as be dismissed from the company.

  11. Members may be required to audition for select performances. Members are not guaranteed to dance every performance. 

  12.  The director reserves the right to pull any member from a performance/company due to absence(s), conduct, failing grades, or lack of effort. A member unable to meet the standards set by the company will be dismissed. 

  13. Rehearsals before or after a performance are mandatory. Any member who misses these practices will be dismissed from that particular performance and be given a formal warning.

  14.  Members are expected to behave in a manner that is becoming to the individual, as well as to the organization they represent. They should be aware that in or out of uniform they are representatives of Sunset High School and should act accordingly in maintaining a higher standard of conduct. Members will abide by school codes of conduct both in and out of uniform, both at and away from school. Any question of appropriateness will be decided by the Director and Principal.

  15. Members cannot perform/be in uniform if pregnant.

  16. Members who are dismissed from the company will have to return their company Warm ups as that is the Represented Company Uniform. Members understand no-refund will be given if he/she is dismissed from the company. ($200 will be billed to student if warm ups are not returned) 


  1.  Academic Eligibility 

    1.  Texas Education Agency-University Interscholastic League “NO PASS-NO PLAY” REQUIREMENTS: 

      1. a. Students who pass all courses for the grading period are eligible for the next grading period. 

      2. b. Students who have failed a class may regain eligibility after three-weeks; however, at the end of the three weeks, they must be passing all courses, not just the one they failed. They also have a seven-calendar day waiting period after the three-week or six-week period before eligibility may be regained. 

    2.  Members who fail a class during any nine weeks grading period will be excluded from participation in all extracurricular activities for the following three weeks. They are to continue to attend all school practices. This state policy does not apply to social activities. After three weeks, a grade check will be completed. If the student is passing all classes, she/he may resume participation. If the student is failing a class, she/he will be placed on academic suspension for the remainder of the current quarter.. 

    3. Passing for regular classes is a 70, passing for Pre-AP or AP classes is a 60. 

    4. Members who fail a class will be put on performance probation. They will be excluded from representing the team in any way. If a student fails 3 times in a row they will be dismissed.


  1. Members cannot miss more than 3 rehearsals in a year. Any member with more than 3 absences will be dismissed.

  2. Excusable rehearsals are determined by the Artistic Director.

  3. Not having a ride, last minute notices will not be accepted as excuses. 

  4. If a member is not present at the time for a dress/tech rehearsal or a performance they will be dismissed.

  5. Member will receive formal warning or dismissal depending on the severity of any mandatory activity or out of town activity that he/she is not present for.

  6. Members will not be allowed to join a rehearsal if they are 15 mins late. 

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